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Selectmen Minutes 01/12/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
January 12, 2010

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator),  Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Gil Vien, Joyce Vien,  Bette Bogdan, Thomas Houle, Donna Chagnon, Dan Sudak, Austin St. Laurent, George Cooper, John Dever, Kristina Cole, Matt Cole, John Martell, Mike Paveglio, Scott Marston, Norm LaRochelle, Lisa Drouse, Bruce Dyke, Evelyn Pike, Paul Sanborn, Daryl Wyatt
Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee and the Selectmen reviewed a draft of the Warrant Articles.  The following were discussed:

#7 ¾ Ton Pick up – Mr. Paveglio asked for justification.  Jim Plunkett said that the current Blazer is old, in need of replacement, and it can only be used for plowing.  Jim needs something that is multi-use.  Jim received a state bid price for the $22,000.  Discussion took place about whether the current forestry truck would suit his needs if a new one was voted in at town meeting.  Nancy suggested that the words “new 2009/2010” be taken removed from the wording – majority agreed. A vote was taken – Budget Committee 4-yes; 2-no; Selectmen 3 –yes.

#8 Road Construction Canterbury Road #1 ($63,100) - This project was included in the CIP.  Changes in text were made to clarify and to eliminate stringent specifics.   All were in favor of this article.

#9 Road Construction Canterbury Road #2 ($79,100) – This project was inadvertently left off of the draft warrant.  Nancy will add it to the final warrant.  Text changes were made to be consistent with #8.  Vote was taken: Budget Committee – 6-yes; 0-no; Selectmen 3-no.

#10 Lane Road ($62,400) - Discussion ensued about the condition of Lane Road.  Vote was taken:  Budget Committee 4-yes, 2 no; Selectmen 3 yes.

#11 Fire Truck Capital Reserve ($40,000) – This was part of the CIP.  There is approximately $205,000 in the fund now.  The estimate cost of the truck is $266K.  It is anticipated with the current plan there will be enough money to purchase the vehicle when it is needed.  All voted in favor.

#12 Forestry Truck ($24,000) – Much discussion ensued regarding the truck we would purchase for $24,000.  Gil Vien is looking at buying a truck chasse and building the rest up from there.  Mr. Paveglio has concerns that there is not a solid plan as to how much the build will cost.  Bruce Dyke would like to change the wording to read “up to $24,000”.  A vote was taken: Budget Committee 4-yes, 2-no; Selectmen 1-yes, 2-no.

#15 Heritage Commission ($1.00) – Some discussion took place regarding the commission needing to be re-established.  All voted in favor.

Nancy will be attending a class at the DRA on Wednesday for writing warrant articles.

Evelyn Pike asked the Selectmen and Budget Committee if the salaries have been addressed.  Mr. MacCleery reports there will be no COLA only market adjustments.  Mrs. Pike asked for the Committee and Selectmen to consider an increase for her deputy who in 2.5 years has only received a 49 cent increase.  Mrs. Pike would like an increase of 43 cents for her deputy which will bring the rate up to 14.92.  Mr. DeBold said he would like to do a salary study on the deputy’s position as he has done with some others and come to the Selectmen’s meeting with that information.

Mr. DeBold would also like to look at the highway departments wages.  

Revenues:  Nancy drafted anticipated revenues for the Board and Committee to review.  A review took place and several changes were made to the draft report.  John Dever spoke on different ways to increase the building inspection revenues.  The process for changing fees was discussed.  
There was question as to the purpose of the billing funds from the Ambulance.  Nancy will research the purpose of the fund.  

Nancy expressed concern that based on the payroll figures; $6500 for Police Midnight Call hours would not be enough.  

Mr. DeBold completed a salary survey on part-time police officers.  He found the average to be between 15.91 and 16.00 per hour.  He suggested moving our part-time police from 15.52 to 16.00 per hour.  The Selectmen will discuss at a later time.

John Dever spoke on his request for $795 for software plus $150/year maintenance cost.  The software would handle building permits as well as some planning and zoning applications.  Selectmen would like a warrant article for the purchase and maintenance for the first year to be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund for Office Equipment.  

Megan Tepper – Megan Tepper asked the Selectmen for permission to hold her wedding and reception at Shaw’s field.  The Selectmen asked Nancy to look into the logistics and liability.  Nancy will work with Megan on the details.  

Deputy Wardens – The Deputy Fire Wardens were asked to the Selectmen’s meeting to discuss interest in the Fire Warden position.  Mr. Paveglio stated he would like to see the Selectmen come up with a job description and a list of qualifications.  Discussion ensued about the interview process. Ms. Bogdan asked Nancy to read RSA 227-L: 7 aloud.  The following was read:

"The selectmen of towns and the mayors of cities shall, and other citizens may, recommend to the director the names of such persons as may in their estimation be fit to fill the offices of forest fire warden and deputy forest fire warden in their respective towns and cities.

After investigation the director shall appoint from the persons so recommended not more than one competent person in each town or city to be the forest fire warden for the town or city, and such deputy forest fire wardens as the director deems necessary. In such towns or cities where the fire chief is not the appointed town or city forest fire warden, the fire chief shall be appointed as deputy forest fire warden. The director may appoint a forest fire warden or deputy forest fire warden for 2 or more towns or parts of towns.”
Discussion ensued around the role of the Selectmen in the re-appointment process.  The Selectmen know that they are recommending not appointing.  Any misuse of words was unintentional.  Only the Director of Forest and Lands can appoint a Fire Warden.  Ms. Bogdan wanted to point out that the Selectmen or any citizen could recommend more than one candidate to the Director.
There was discussion regarding the rescinding of the recommendation.  The Selectmen who voted in favor of the rescinding said that they would not change their minds.  
Mr. MacCleery would like to speak with the potential candidates in public session, but with limited public input.  Matt Cole, George Cooper, and Gil Vien all expressed interest and gave an overview of their qualifications.
There was discussion about whether or not to open the interview process to the general public.  Mr. DeBold felt it would be a benefit to have some of the past Wardens look into the position.  The Selectmen would like to see a short resume from those interested.  

Other Business

ZBA Hearing:  A brief discussion took place regarding the upcoming ZBA hearing.  Nancy will find out who is in the role of appellate.  

Request for Hearing:  The Selectmen received a request for hearing from Cliff and Diane Vien of the Fire Department.    Daryl Wyatt asked why he was not given a hearing with the Selectmen if they are considering a hearing for others.  It was explained that the Viens were not given a hearing at the department level due to conflicts whereas Mr. Wyatt was given that hearing.  There was discussion regarding Mr. Wyatt’s situation.  Mr. MacCleery advised Mr. Wyatt that if he has information for the Selectmen that was previously unknown he should put it in writing for the Selectmen and they will review it.  Nancy will schedule Cliff and Diane Vien for next week meeting.  

Home School Group:  A request was made for a home school group to use the grange 1 day a week for their Science classes.  Nancy and Chief Vien will look into the requirements.  Nancy will contact the group for more information.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 10:26 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold